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 CNG data – accurate and relevant

Current and reliable CNG data is essential – not only for drivers of CNG vehicles. For gibgas consulting – media the provision and maintenance of CNG data has always been one of the core activities. The references to our many years of competence are correspondingly numerous: whether it’s print material such as maps, brochures or the CNG filling station atlas, internet services (own database and route planner), the Europe-CNG-App in five languages or the data management for international clients.
Many years of experience, market knowledge and sense of innovation – gibgas consulting – media is one of the leading suppliers in this market. Benefit from this expertise and the most up-to-date data pool in Europe.

Content for websites

Important information for all, the best service to your customers. gibgas consulting – medien also provides you with content via the XML interface for your websitesfor example NGV data – and your visitors are always up-to-date.